A break

It is nearly impossible to time accurately the passage of rainfall bands accurately the day before..so it is time for what we call a "nowcast" in the business.

A band of precipitation is now moving through the central sound (see satellite and radar imagery at about 9 AM). The implication...there should be a major break this morning and early afternoon...so it will be a good time to get out there for recreation or gardening. Nothing really organized behind it...so this should be a decent afternoon. I will be heading to the NW Flower and Garden show at n0on to sign books....so I will have to hit my garden later...

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Not A Great Deal Seems To Have Happened In the Last Few Years. Really Pretty Hopeless.

For some reason Google found this for me today � and note the article date. Dr Mukesh Haikerwal Resigns from NEHTA By Petrina Smith Friday, ...