Well, even the weather-hardened crowd that follow this blog are complaining. Take a look at the last two weeks...generally much cooler than normal, with the last few days being way (10-15 F) below the norm (graphic...red and blue lines are average max and min temps). The mountains are getting substantial new snow...for example, heavy snow at Stampede Pass today at 4000 ft. Plenty of snow for skiing. The snowpack in the central Cascades is roughly 150% of normal. There won't be early hiking this year. And my tomato plants are dying.
Take a look at the same type of figure for the last six months...generally cooler than normal...but with a few warmer than usual periods. The December cold spell really stands out, and there are many more days our temps dropped below normal than climbed above normal.

The good news..the weekend looks warmer than normal. By the way, no one commented on the mother's day forecast...which did not work out well...things worsened far more rapidly than it looked on Friday.
PS: If any of you live in Bellingham and want to help stop the use of the absolutely worst elementary math text book (Terc Investigations)....please attend the Bellingham School Board meeting at 7:30 PM, Board Room, 1306 Dupont where this issue will be discussed. There was a nice editorial in the Seattle Times today excoriating the Seattle School Board for picking the fuzzy/reform math series Discovering Geometry and Algebra...which were rated unsound by the State Board of Education. It is source of continous amazement to me how poor a job these districts are doing in selecting educational material for our children.
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