High Lows

An interesting aspect of the weather of the past few weeks, has been the minimum temperatures. Most days have had minima above normal, while the maximum temperatures have gone above and below with relatively equal frequency (see first graphic). The drought is continuing even with the sprinkles of the last day-with June, a relatively dry month average, running about 1 inch below normal (see graphic, red observed, blue normal).
A weak cold front is moving through (see satellite image), followed by increased onshore flow. In this image the front is on the coast. Notice the extensive mountain wave clouds prior to the front, as well as the lee rain/cloud shadowing NE of the Olympics. And the extensive low clouds over the Pacific. The bottom line: cloudy and cooler weather beckons for tomorrow. Conditions improve on Friday and Saturday, with the return of sun and normal temps in the low 70s.

On another topic, someone has set up a twitter account in my name--without my permission. I would like this site to be removed--it was attracting some unfortunate spam yesterday.

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Not A Great Deal Seems To Have Happened In the Last Few Years. Really Pretty Hopeless.

For some reason Google found this for me today � and note the article date. Dr Mukesh Haikerwal Resigns from NEHTA By Petrina Smith Friday, ...