Snow Returns

The mountains will be getting plenty of snow..but there is a chance the lowlands--particularly above 500 ft--could see some snow mixing in tomorrow AM. The latest WRF-GFS run in fact has light amounts over portions of the lowlands (see graphic for 3-h snow ending 11 AM), while the MM5-NAM keeps the lowlands snowfree. The biggest threat should be over the Kitsap and lower hood canal areas as a developing low center moves towards us from the south (see graphic). Temperature will warm during the rain will dominate in any case. And it should be quie a wet day over the western portion of Washington. The below normal temps continue.

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Not A Great Deal Seems To Have Happened In the Last Few Years. Really Pretty Hopeless.

For some reason Google found this for me today � and note the article date. Dr Mukesh Haikerwal Resigns from NEHTA By Petrina Smith Friday, ...