snow update

If it is going to snow signficantly in Seattle and the adjacent lowlands--it will be later this afternoon as the low rotates southeastward. This morning Seattle was rainshadowed by the westerly winds....and the eastern suburbs and foothills areas got a few inches. But as the low moves over (or even better south) of us the rainshadowing will weaken and the northerly winds will strengthen...that is when we will get it. You can see the enhanced cloud over the NW Olympic Peninsula...associated with the low..moving this way. The game is not over yet...although there are no guarantees here...

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Not A Great Deal Seems To Have Happened In the Last Few Years. Really Pretty Hopeless.

For some reason Google found this for me today � and note the article date. Dr Mukesh Haikerwal Resigns from NEHTA By Petrina Smith Friday, ...